Friday, September 24, 2010

The moon

Not to go all twilight faggy on anyone happening to read this, but if you took a look at the moon tonight you probably saw how damn bright it was. While it really isn't that big a deal, as full moons happen about once a month, this one's pretty cool since it won't fall near the autumnal equinox again for another 19 years. And hey, if you happen to be of the agricultural type you can work a full 24 hour day, and who wouldn't look forward to that?

Yeah I'm really grasping at straws here, but the first step should be solid, right? Eh, it'll be better tommorow.


  1. The moon was amazing!

    Keep up the work, add some more interesting stuff!

  2. The moon = win
    What would happen if a monster ate it!?

  3. The moon is pretty awesome, I have a win7 gadget that shows me the current phase. Too much pollution here to get a good view.

  4. Moons are lovely things for sure.

  5. When I was a kid I didn't even know the moon is made of cheese

  6. Did you know, that there is a man inside of the moon? Freaky!

  7. The chinese moon festival was recently on :)

  8. Yeah man, I could see the moon through the clouds where I was... it was CRAZY!

  9. Damn I missed it. I'll check it out tonight.

  10. Oh my gosh, last night the moon was so bright.

  11. Fuck, so that's why it was so bright. Now I feel like I wasted it, should have gone outside and ran around naked or something.

  12. Aww, I missed it. :( Too bad I'm living in a big city now anyway. Just another thing to add to my list of reasons why I miss my small rural Minnesota town.

  13. I'm not too happy with the book series, I'll keep my arguments to myself.
